Sunday, September 6, 2009

We're still here!!

Hi there!
Sorry for the post delay for anyone who was waiting (my parents?) we've been enjoying ourselves here in St.Tropez at the beach. Unfortunately, we do not have Internet. However, in true Russell and Maria budget trip style, we have managed to pay for a few minutes of wifi but use it for a whole day!
Wow, St.Tropez is beautiful. Beautiful and expensive. Ferraris are as common here as Volvos are at home...maybe moreso. And the yachts. Huge. So Russell and I are enjoying cooking at the house (as usual), being sun gods and goddeses on the beach (Russell insists that in some countries his fair skin is exotic...France does not happen to be one of these), and walking around town nearly gawking at the money. €500 and €600 for one night in a hotel...€800 for a bottle of champagne. We are enjoying top quality food, accomodation and company here for a while.
We just spent an amazingly wonderful (nearly free) night on the beach watching a priceless sunset, listening to music from the iPod, eating pasta with zucchini and homeade apple tart, watching the waves and the stars and talking the hours away.
It is lovely to be at the beach. After the cold of the UK and Ireland and the work in Normandy (which was amazing, don't get me wrong) it is nice to have a bit of a 'typical' honeymoon for a while.
Here the water is blue like sapphires, the sun is warm like a good winter blanket and my husband is as perfect ad anyone could ask for.
We do miss home at times. My cousin Tarah and her husband Justin just had a little boy (Paxton), the floors have been refinished in my house, and we miss seeing family (especially the little ones like Russell's little sister Jasmine. But we are very excited to have friends and family to talk with on the phone, by Internet, and to visit with soon!! We will tell you all about these visits when they happen.
For now, I bid you 'a bientot' and say 'thanks for reading'. We promise to update sooner next time and post tons of pictures as soon as we can.
Much love,
Maria (and Russell)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you all are having a wonderful time!!
    I looked on the map at where you are and showed it to Eda. We just had dinner with Eda and John, Eda will be going to Knoxville on Wednesday and will be in Capri on Friday!!!Glad you all are having fun! Miss you and love you!!!! Take care. Mom B.
