Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ciao to Italy

Wow Capri has flown by. It has been full of fun. Full of family and friends and food and fun. The water has been amazing and the scenery spectacular. And now we say "goodbye" and hopefully "we'll see you soon" if we're lucky. But that's how travel is, isn't it? It wouldn't be travel if it were a place that you didn't have to leave eventually. Which makes us all travelers on this earth, in life...ok enough philosophizing...we hate to leave but we are headed to a new country tomorrow! Germany awaits us- a little colder, more mountains, and a nearly 19 hour train extravaganza--whew.

So some Capri memories now:
Seeing the island coming into view from the bucking boat full of a Japanese tour group (all throwing up) and me (terrified that the boat will sink) and Russell (calm,cool,collected husband)

Finally seeing all the family (Italian and American) here on the island and having a giant and fabulous meal at my Zia Angelina's house

Waiting for Josh and Chrisinda at the port and finally watching them walk off the boat!

The huge meal at Maria and Salvatore's house with Nonna, Linda and J&C complete with a beautiful dessert, limoncello and priceless views

Seeing all the sights of the island with new people

Gelato at Buonacore (the best homeade gelato and homeade cones that you can smell a mile away on the island)

Making it to the end of our super long walk across the island with J&C and jumping into the ocean

The color of the water at Marina Piccola and the little fishies that nibble at your feet.

Waking up at 4am to walk J&C to the port for their 5:40 boat and walking back up the mountain to go back to sleep with Russell, enjoying the calm, dark quiet of the morning.

The perilous and unthinkably narrow road to my cousin Carmine's house and the (again) giant meal with family and friends that we had there. The laughter and stories in three different languages are hilarious and well worth the ride

Singing with Nonna and Angelina about coffee and something beautiful and (of course) O Solo Mio

Another wonderful meal with glorious views at cousin Salverio's house

Relaxing and swimming at the pool at La Residenza Hotel with Nonna and Linda

Watching J&C try to stay awake as we listened to lively Italians sing lively songs on their first night in Italy--then sitting for even longer to drink an espresso and have torta mandorla until nearly midnight

Our beautiful little apartment

A long dinner made of the best pizza, pasta and conversation in Italy with Josh and Chrisinda

Moments too numerous to count of food, incredible views, flowers, and family all here on this tiny island in the azure blue sea.

Now we prepare to depart this tiny island where my grandmother was born. Ah but this is travel- the desire to make the most of your time, the yearning for a few more moments of moonlight on ocean as smooth as glass, and the plan for a return trip soon. Well we did, we are, and we will.
Buona notte tutti! Next post from Germania!
Sending much love,
Maria and Russell


  1. That was beautiful!!
    Love you both,
    Mom B.

  2. oooh! I actually got goosebumps reading's sounds so wonderful! Maria you are very blessed!
