Monday, September 14, 2009

picture post!!

Hi all!
As promised, pictures.

I will now cover 4 countries in a few pictures.

Russell in Scotland.
In a kilt.

And remember pouring the perfect pint at the Guiness factory? Here we are with them!

We wrote about hitchhiking to the cliffs of moher and showed someone else's picture. Here is the picture I took of Russell and the cliffs. They were spectacular.

Before leaving Ireland and the land of the perfect pint, we had to have one more pint of 'the black stuff'(along with a wee dram of Irish whisky).

Then onto the mainland and straight into Paris. Remember how romantic we said it was? Here is a beautifully romantic shot that Russell took of this big statue...I forgot the name...and one of two sappy lovers on their honeymoon. :)

After a lovely stay in Paris, it was on to Melun to stay with our couchsurfing friends Annick and Jerome (I tried to upload this picture, but the camera died while doing so...later maybe!)
Then on a train out to Normandy to work for a week! Cutting lavender? Yes we can.

and cut we did. Here is what 60 kilos of lavender (and Russell) looks like. For you Americans, that is 132 pounds.

We finished our work and headed for the beach! St. Tropez to be exact. Remember the place with all the Ferraris? We took pictures of us pretending to look famous, but I decided to post this one instead. Yay beach!

It was here that we finally had crepes from a creperie! This place gave us a funny little fork tong type thing to eat them with. Here is me trying to use it...

If you've made it this far, you are now in Italy with us!! Here is a picture from this very night, having gelato at our favorite gelateria in Florence- Festival del Gelato. This was melone (melon), mousse nutella, and fico (fig). Great gelato is absolute heaven on this earth. No question about it.

We finished the night with a free concert of flute, organ and countertenor, another gelato (!) and now it is off to bed! We'll write more soon. Capri tomorrow!


  1. I'm so glad that I have a cousin that I can live my life vicariously through! Aah to be young and in love!

  2. we love the photos, wish we were there but I bet your glad we are not!!!!!

  3. It was good to see pictures! Thanks for the converstion to pounds too, I had no idea about how much that actually was. I miss you both a lot! Eat some extra gelato for me.
