Monday, August 3, 2009

Scotlands largest city and rainbows

To our friends who check for updates daily,we appologize. We only have internet every now and then, so we are limited.
Oh Glasgow! We came in on, once again, on one of the most beautiful train rides in the country (we know this because the consession lady on the train gave us a post card that said so!). Our first full day was spent touring a few different museums. We saw a great exhibition of edvard munch original prints. Included in these was the famous "scream". I'm ashamed to say that my most scholarly comment was "that looks a lot like mccully Culkin he applies aftershave in the movie "home alone". The end of the day marked our acceptance of the fact that our clothes smelled positively horrible, so we looked into a laundromat: 5 ponds per load, geeze, so we refused the laundromat and chose to hsndwash them ourselves in the sink of our room. We are still awaiting several items to dry before we pack for our flight. Yesterday we attended church at the Glasgow cathedral. Massive and unaffected by the reformation, so most of it dated to the 15th century. We then attended the Glasgow fair, where we witnessed this crazy german performing stunts atop a 185 foot sway pole, it was awesome (some of it was so unsettling and unnerving to watch that maria and I had to turn away several times for fear of the guy falling). We then watched the bay city rollers as they closed out the fair. It was an exciting day, and fun for the whole family. Now we are preparing for our flight to Belfast on easyjet. Wish us luck, and we'll talk to you anew from a new country.
Fact: Scotland gets tons of rain...tons. Even the locals will tell you to expect 4 seasons on one day. But with all that rain comes lots of rainbows. Lots of them. So right now, as we prepare to walk to the bus station loaded down with full packs ( and full bellies from our cereal and toast) and say goodbye to Scotland, it is pouring outside. So I'll think about all the rainbows that will happen because of it and we'll follow the rainbow to it's end in Ireland... And maybe they'll be a giant pot of hold at the end!! Gold or not, send good thoughts for a safe flight, if you don't mind. Now on to country three!

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