Wednesday, August 26, 2009

one blog in four days isn't that bad... Right?

A few things we haven't covered. I will try to list them and the highlights from each in a couple of smaller blogs. We are hoping to be able to add pictures very soon (not possible from the iPod. If anyone knows how to do this, let me know). We have some great ones that we would love for you to see.

Super super long walking in Paris. Lovely walking but tons of it. One of the most, if not the most, beautiful city we have seen so far. It could have something to do with the warm (read: hot) weather and bread. Oh my, the bread. Lovely soft elastic, airy, holey inside and chewy, crispy, flavorful outside...yummmmmm. And the cheese! Oh my. When you are living off very little and trying to cook every meal you get very excited about cheap food but you get especially excited about cheap good food. For instance, a large wheel of good Brie for 2 or 3 euro, fabulous European yogurt for 50 cents and very fresh, very good fruit for pennies. Amazing! We are once again in the land of grocery store and market heaven. (note: in France, wine is cheaper than water).
Paris has been a city of sandwiches of cheese and bread for us. No problemo. It has also been the city of amazingly massive iron towers, beautiful people, a language we don't understand, incredible artwork, beautiful churches and relaxing gardens full of parisans writing, reading and napping. I don't think anyone in Paris works. Some notes about the city of light (and love): on Wednesdays, the Louvre (yes, the one with that painting) is only 6euro after 6:00 and is open until 9:30. Score! There are a few scams that you will surely see over and over. The first is the gypsy looking gal holding a piece of paper. She asks 'excuse me? You speak English?' then hands you the note to read. They all have the same note. They are all: Bosnian refugees with a sick mother at home, a brother in the army, and a bun in the oven. Well... Fool me know the rest. We got to the point of saying 'no' when they asked if we spoke English. I would laugh and shake my head- trying to send the message that we knew what they were doing. The other was a little sneakier. A man would "find" a ring in the dirt in front of you. A gold ring. Oh la la...Is it yours, sir?... Let me try it on your finger. (and swap your real ring for this faker.) we saw it twice. The poor second guy had a ways to go with his 'oh! Look at this ring I found' act.
Paris is lovely though. The eiffel tower at night is spectacular, the Mona Lisa is a bit small and over rated, notre dame is huge (and a bit over rated), the best tower to climb is the bell tower of ND, and as we found, the best things are free in this city of history and art. We were charmed. The only thing better would have been bikes (which you can borrow for free for 30min at a time) and more time. (and maybe more cheese)

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