Friday, July 10, 2009

Walking and 'toad in a hole'

It's been a rough go at it the past few days. We started the hike on July fifth. The night before we spent some time in a local pub in saint bees, where a colorful local asked me, " shouldn't we be fighting?" I guess they aren't so keen on celebrating the fourth in England, anyway he was a real riot. So the hike began by dipping our toes in the Irish Sea and then following the coast for the first few miles. It was beautiful. We then turned inland and started our approach for the lake district. At one point we were standing on Mount Dent, posed between a final glimpse of england's west coast with Scotland in the distance, and ahead of us mountain ranges that resembled the appalachians. Thus began our approach for the mountains and the lakes. Now here is where it got tricky, I must say that the english would much rather go directly over a range than weave to and fro like much of our hiking in the states. I have a new respect for what they call " walking" over here. When I go for a walk back home, I may put on some flip flops and be back in an hour. Here you say you're going on a walk and they don't expect you back for days. So here in lies the problem, maria and I are carrying too much weight. We tried every angle of redistribution of our clothes etc. But it finally got the best of my joints. These trails are rugged. They'll go straight up two thousand feet in one mile, climbing all the while up creeks and over boulders, it has proven to be hard on our bodies. Let me emphasize how majestic these mountains are, you would truly have to see it to believe it, but remember, if you come for a walk here, you may not be seen for many days:). To add to the dramatic effect I'm trying to create, maria and I witnessed a mountain rescue two nights ago.we were safe in our B&B watching as a helicopter came low on a ridge about 2,000 feet high, dropped a line and air lifted someone off the ridge at about midnight. Pretty intense, and when I asked someone the next day about it, they said it happens all the time. So to prevent that same scenario , maria and I have taken a few days in a small town called penrith to let our bodies heal, especially my wounded and weary left hip. I hope all is well, and do me a favor, go on a walk for me, one in flip flops, and come back in an hour :). For fun google images of "lining crag in the lake district". This was one of the most challenging climbs thus far, but so rewarding!

Note from maria: Russells hip is hurting because he took some of my weight from my pack to help me out. (without me even asking) he is the most wonderful husband a gal could ask for. :-). Also, I'm looking at a menu inthis hotel that offers 'toad in a hole' with chips for only 5 pounds... If you know what this is, please let us know by commenting on the blog. We are having a lovely time, and will hopefully be able to add pictures soon. Miss and love you all.


  1. oh my goodness I love this blog. keeps me in touch with you two.
    It sounds like you're having fun, despite the minor aches and pains that come with hiking. I'll go to the beach tomorrow on OBX and walk in flip flops for you.
    I hope you loved oxford. I was there for a week when my sister attended st. catherine's for a year abroad. it's an amazing city. so much history. its amazing to think that those buildings alone are older than our entire country.
    as for the toad that like eggs in the middle of a piece of toast or a bagel? or is that something else.
    i'll keep on reading every week. where are you two off to next?
    <3 amelia:)

  2. Wow... Russell and Maria! Sounds like you are mountain climbing. So much for hiking thru glens and open meadows. Enjoy your trip! We enjoy reading about your experiences.

    U Brad & A Claudia

  3. Hello! I googled toad in a hole recipe and it brought it up. Check it out. I also googled the city you are in and it looks wonderful. Good luck hiking when you start again!
