Sunday, July 19, 2009

Good bye England, hello Scotland

We left behind new castle today, and England. For the bonnie, bonnie banks of Scotland. It was a beautiful train ride, and we caught our first glimpses of the north sea. We are now in Edinburgh, and the change on architecture is immediately apparant. This is an amazing town to view. No matter which direction we face, there are old buildings or old buildings in the shadows of vast crags which stretch hundreds of feet above the city. We climbed Authur's Seat, which took about an hour. It was a few mile hike. On our ascent, we were greeted by an ominous and expansive looking bunch of clouds. As we reached the top, it began raining. Everyone pulled out their raingear just in time for it to stop raining. And just like an unpredictable three year old child, the clouds changes their mind and went in the opposite direction. Russell and Maria- 1 , clouds and rain- 0. Anyway, the view from Authur's Seat was spectacular. It seems rare to find such a perch above a city; especially one that is free! Alas. We has to descend, because as nature would have it, Aurthur's Throne (bathroom...). So! We descended quickly. All 740 feet. Towarda the castle, and away from Scottish Parliment. And to be honest, it is hard not to feel a bit like royalty with a girl as good looking as Maria. We ate at the Royal Mile Tavern and listened to a local singer/songwriter entertain. Guess what? We were treated to his rendition of Sweet Home Alabama. He was great, but good grief! Can we not escape that song? Even in Scotland?! Argh :-). We then visited St. Giles kirk (church), and saw even more of the beautiful plaques, statues and sculptures commemorating local countrymen ( and women and children) lost in the many wars Scotland has seen through the years. Now back at our hotel, we bid you all goodnight and look forward to sharing our Scotland tales with you!

Have any of you been to Scotland? Where did you go? Did you find the weather just as spastic as we did today?


  1. Sounds great! I remember when we were in Scotland
    the weather was just like that. It rained and then it was sunny, off and on all day! Love you both! Mom

  2. Last time I was in France, I heard a crusty old Frenchman sing "Sweet Home Alabama" over dinner. His English was a little off, and the whole thing only got better when the owner's wife decided to join him with her not-quite-Edith-Piaf (and much louder and screechier) vibrato. So, short answer--no. That song is inescapable, no matter where you go. :)

  3. I took a tour of Scotland about 3 years ago. In and Out of Glasgow. To the Isle of Skye, Inverness, The Highlands (my favorite part), the castle Charles & Diana spent their honeymoon at (can't remember the name), St. Charles golf course, castle, and cathedral ruins; Edinburgh (spent time with AFS sister Carol Wilson Cameron), then finished in Glasgow. I would go back anytime! I love Scotland. A lot of Lang history there! Yes, the weather was misty every morning. Then the afternoon would have the sun.
